Micro-spy: more than 10 types of spy devices and quick guide to choosing the perfect spy device

1. Define Your Surveillance Goal for your micro-spy A Micro-spy is a very powerful tool, but you need to know how to work with that. Choosing the right spy device might seem challenging, but with the right guidance, you can find the perfect tool for your surveillance needs. Whether you’re

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Laser Microphones

Can Spy On: Anybody with a window. How It Does It: Here’s the thing about “bugs,” even if they’re attached to living cockroaches. They have to emit radio waves in order to transmit their signal back to the listeners, which means they’re pretty easy to detect. With the right tools

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CCTV Systems

Nowadays, video cameras have become one of the most common things used by many people. Different people use them for different purposes. Some people use cameras while enjoying with their families & to capture those memorable moments; whereas, some people use them for security purpose. Today, security being one of

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Hi-Tech Spy Equipments

In this hi-tech era, whether you have to monitor your employees in the office or to inspect your children’s mobile phone that what are they doing, spy surveillance system must be required for the monitoring. In this competitive era, no one has enough time to monitor their employees as well

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