Is your portable digital video recorder satisfactory?

Is your portable digital video recorder satisfactory?

It is a common observation that customers with an intention of top class video surveillance often land up buying incompetent and less useful products. With markets flooded with a variety of portable digital video recorder it is mostly difficult to make a suitable choice. At Endoacustica professionals work hard to develop tools to suit and work efficiently for each and every buyer. The most recent addition to the micro digital video recorder is the DVR – remote 500 specially designed for covert recordings. Amazingly the product has maintained a deeper edge within the miniature infrastructure weighing just 68 grams.

The recording, supported with higher resolution aids DVD like quality, which can either be initiated automatically, manually, pre programmed or via motion detection. In simple words the recording mode can be conveniently selected from manual, preset or a mode that initiates recording with a sense of any movement in the nearby area. With an inbuilt 1 GB SD card the product supports an average of 40 minutes recording; which when desired can be expanded with an external flash card to a maximum of 16 GB. It can be used for undercover operations and also for captivating leisure times or events. The product when used with CA-EN camera turns into a perfect surveillance gadget for spies and investigators. With DVR – remote 500 Endoacustica has sorted out many odds for those looking for hi-tech version portable digital video recorder competent enough to work in synch with other products too.