Today we all stand as a part of spying and security industry in one way or other, everyone at some point of time realise the need of video surveillance may be to maintain a defended intimate shelter or to fade out suspicions. The video monitoring kits are quiet a craze
Can you imitate as a girl or a guy with voice changers?
It is not uncommon to cite examples of attempt to sound differently when young, many during child play have tried to raise their voice variedly for fun. But with technical advancements over decades there are gadgets available to shape up the voice change to real. Voice changers refer to a
Is a spy gear inevitable?
Ever since the application of prevalent hi-tech spy equipments in public either to maintain security, keep a check or to prevent an outbreak has left many amused for years together. The curiosity has continuously rose all over the public; initiating a desire to privately own and use a spy gear.
Is your computer passing on illegal stuff, Check with hi-tech key logger?
As internet is on a top notch in terms of global communication, sharing knowledge and information, its potential to be misused by illegal or anti social activists can’t be ignored. The widespread medium especially in public places such as libraries, hotels, schools or cyber cafes where the computers are easily
Are your Cell Phones encrypted?
Illegal cell phone interception has been on a bang for quite a while now; with easily operable and cheaper options readily available in bazaars. Interception in simple words can be described as an application which when active can aid remote monitoring of all telephonic conversations, sms’s, even GPRS activities along
Can you break through all obstacles with wall microphones?
The latest sensation within the actively involved investigators is the yielding result of wall microphones, these enables one to receive audio signals through walls, glass and even steel in hard unguided situations alerting and directing correctly. Most apparatus includes exterior interior microphones, stethoscope earphones and amplifiers to deliver quality product
Is your audio Monitoring Kit superbly equipped?
Often, spies and investigators apply audio monitors on suspects to keep a check on illegal activities focused either on an individual or a specific locale as per situations. With technology reaching extremes there are products available in markets assuring even to figure out a pin drop when activated. The checklist
How far bugs audio surveillance is competent?
The surveillance field has registered rising use of audio bugs during the last decades; these normally can be fixed up in a place, vehicle or room under surveillance working as potent voice transmitters. The audio bugs are equipped with quality microphones to enhance the intensity and quality of sound on
Total control, at any distance: become a secret agent
Since Cold War times, surveillance technology has taken giant leaps forward, by launching on the market some listening devices which are getting more and more sophisticated, more powerful, and always smaller. On the other hand, the trend of these spy devices’ cost is inversely proportional. Nowadays, in fact, covert listening
Wall microphone stethoscope: highly sensitive gizmo ears
The famous Chinese proverb “walls have ears” has finally shaped up with the tactful application of intelligence, architecture and technology in the form of a sophisticated instrument known as wall microphone stethoscope. Active crime scene workers and spies often complained of a lack of tool to make a secure way