Yes I know, some of you will probably be thinking that sticking a video recorder in the front pocket of your jacket is not exactly the smartest of ideas. Relax, we are not talking about the normal video recorder that you have at home connected to your TV set, but
Can you kick out telephone bugs from your personal niche?
The recent extensive use of telephone bugs has scared many with a fear of privacy intrusion and leak out of personal matters as a spicy gossip in public. Advocates, high ranked government officials, reputed business men, celebrities etc are strangling hard to realize methods to get rid of these bugs
How mobile phone eavesdropping works: short guide
Explaining it in a few words is certainly not an easy task, but we can give it a try. In short, telephone conversations are transmitted in an encrypted way, and the encryption is carried out through 3 different algorithms with different encoding and security levels. Two of these algorithms, named
Is Smart phone spy software a solution to all worries?
Spies and public figures are often featured and brought to limelight to dig out latest ways of audio surveillance, but with ever increasing infidelity all over, it is no longer observed that the spying field is just limited to the celebs circle. It is not uncommon to find parents, partners
Reading glasses for the 21st century
Imagine yourselves as being able to read an entire book without holding it in your hands, or rather without having the book with you as it does not exist on paper. And imagine being able to do it not with your hands, but simply by moving your eyes or fluttering
Is the latest GSM interceptor bliss to spies?
Audio surveillance is a broad and comprehensive field that encompasses many functions in society’s and government’s efforts to control crime and fade out suspicion. Endoacustica enables to gain valuable understanding of all components of the field. Within the range of surveillance products, GSM interceptor has established a stable footing in
Are Wireless Cameras your passion?
Impressed with the bond flicks and mission impossible kind’s hi-fi movies, full of fictional stuff the youth has initiated a constant desire to own these spy equipments. Though a few decades ago these tools were only limited to crime investigators but with liberal laws and companies working hard to satisfy
It looks like a scene from a James Bond movie: imagine two spies, placed on two adjacent roofs or mountain peaks and equipped with binoculars to look around, who can use these very binoculars not only to look, but also to talk to each other! It may look like science
Are you jumbled up with outdated Transceivers?
A couple of years ago, the transceiver was simply defined a dual combination of a transmitter and a receiver; both functioning with same circuits or a single housing. Depending on their capacity to receive and transmit signals they are designated as half duplex and full duplex, i.e. an instrument which
Are you capable enough with antitheft / defence personnel strategies?
With corruption on a high, trust quotient has severely lowered thereby a tactful tool of anti theft / defence personnel has to be adopted to survive and excel. As very well quoted by John Dryden “Self-defence is Nature’s eldest law”, though the natural medium has to be altered with progressive