In the US State of North Carolina, mass migrations of insects are a real calamity for the local agriculture and farming industry. The so called Mormon Crickets move in huge packs of hundreds of thousands or possibly millions, devastating fields and crops during their migration journeys. Scientists are trying to
Maybe you might sweat a bit… but protected from electromagnetic fields!
Let’s face the truth: a fabric that protects us from electromagnetic fields or radiations is not exactly everyone’s idea of “fashionable dress”, but on the other hand, a fashionable and fancy dress would be of little or no use on our workplace, if during the course of our work we
A watch, a phone, a bug or… all of them?
The mobile phone marketplace offers a wide range of choices among thousands of different models with different features and characteristics, different design and different operating software, but in the end, it all revolves around a range of standard features. There are dual, tri- and quadri-band phones, with or without camera,
Is your portable digital video recorder satisfactory?
It is a common observation that customers with an intention of top class video surveillance often land up buying incompetent and less useful products. With markets flooded with a variety of portable digital video recorder it is mostly difficult to make a suitable choice. At Endoacustica professionals work hard to
Is your hidden video recorder actually hidden?
The spying field has witnessed the use of many disguised hidden video recorder and camera versions since ages. But with increasing calibre on the criminal side often a need of innovation is constantly felt. Endoacustica keeping the innovation factor intact; employs expert to figure out newer ways of camouflaging with
Hidden footage, recorded with your car’s remote control
When you need to capture what is happening around you on video, be it for work, for leisure or for legal reasons, you may find yourself in condition to do it as discreetly as possible, so as not to raise unnecessary attention and suspicions. Therefore, the job must be carried
Afraid that your boss might be spying on you? Watch your computer!
When your boss is in his room, and you think you might be able to talk freely, be very careful, you might be spied upon… through your computer! It is true, thanks to the ever increasing possibilities of interactivity between different technologies, even your office computer may be turned into
Even insects can spy: Cyborg moths are an example
Looks like a gadget out of a science fiction movie like Terminator, but it might be reality pretty soon. The US Ministry of Defense is financing a research program aimed at creating cyborg moths, that is, insects on which, when they are still at larval stage, miniature electrodes and control
Has innovation touched your hidden camera?
With years of fruitful services, a hidden camera has grabbed a mushrooming place in the spy, investigation and security industry. It is regarded as one of the basics when it comes to a spy tool kit. Endoacustica considering its potential use has struggled hard to realise newer tools utilizing the
Robot soldiers, robot legs, even robot grandparents… the future is here!
In science fiction movies, it is common to see warriors from the future who, wearing an exoskeleton which makes them look more like robots than like human beings, engage in battles against monsters from outer space, and science fiction literature has plenty of such examples, while Hollywood brings us movies