A few days ago, we talked about a research aimed at testing usage of graphene-based electrodes in production of Lithium-ion batteries that would last up to 3 times longer. Today, we are here to inform you about a new development in this direction, which could cause batteries to last even
Real time wireless city surveillance, at a low cost!
Until a few years ago, video surveillance systems could almost only be found in banks, museums, embassies and government institutions in general. In the most recent years though, because of the increasing number of terrorist threats and not only, surveillance cameras have become a common sight, as they are now
Graphene, a future material for low-cost Li-ion batteries
Graphene, a two-dimension molecule made up of carbon atoms in hexagonal (honeycomb) layout, obtained by processing graphite in a laboratory, is promising to cause a big change in the field of integrated circuits, and not only. For example, it was recently discovered that by adding graphene to titanium dioxide while
Spying on an employee while he surfs the Web in the office? Now you can’t!
The case of a company sentenced to pay a fine to an employee has made headlines on several Italian online newspapers today. The firm was monitoring the guy’s online activity during office hours, gathering information that was later used against him in a disciplinary case. The Italian authority for privacy
All remote controls in your life… on your mobile phone!
Everything in our life seems to be operated by a remote control: at home we have one for the TV set, one for our DVD player, another one for our stereo and so on; in our car we have a remote to open the car itself, one for the alarm
GSM bugs, the new frontier of unlimited distance surveillance
Thanks to the increasing miniaturization of surveillance technologies, electronic devices that once we might have only seen on the big screen on a James Bond movie, have now become possible and widely used. For example, the GSM bug is born when miniaturized audio technology for surveillance meets mobile phones. In
Here come the aliens? No, this is a UFO from Earth!
Most so-called UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), that is, remotely controlled miniature airplanes have the typical shape of a plane, although of course on a smaller scale. This shape comes with its disadvantages, such as a reduced maneuverability and reduced payload, plus they need a runway for takeoff and landing. The
Are you looking for a Mini voice recorder?
If you are a tired secretary or a journalist, messed up with heaps of data and facing an absolute trauma of recollecting all information. Then you finally have a hi-tech solution with Endoacustica’s latest mini voice recorder. The apparatus is a sleek handy and less troublesome gadget aiding high sound
Unmanned micro helicopters, a valuable help for air recognition
Two great U.S. corporations in the aerospace and defense industry, AAI Corporation and Honeywell, have teamed up for a project dedicated to production of UAV-type (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) micro helicopters, remotely controlled and capable of taking off and landing vertically, while carrying video equipment for surveillance and recognition. The T-Hawk
Do you want to become secret agents? Send your resume to the CIA!
Maybe you will not travel around the world, saving it from mad scientists or from nuclear threats, drinking a Martini Dry (shaken, not stirred) while you are busy seducing the inevitable Bond girl; sure though, you will have the chance to give your small contribution to face threats that are